When I was working I always needed to wear a tank under all my blouses, the buttons would always gape and you could get a little side view of boob in blouses. Many dresses were too low cut for work so I wouldn't wear them, wearing a tank under a dress just wasn't an option.
I went out on a hunt to find a bra that covered cleavage, not a sports bra, not an attachment for a bra that might fall off, but an honest to goodness bra that had the coverage I was looking for. After spending several months searching stores and going online looking, I decided if it wasn't out there I would make it.
That process wasn't as easy as I thought. It took two years of working on a prototype, production sample, writing patents and trademarks and naming the product. The name also took months, I came up with Wink Intimates as a company name, and really love it, but I also had to name the actual bra. While sitting with a friend (a male friend) trying to describe the bra and why I would create a bra that covered cleavage, I said to him, you know its the bra you wear from 9to5...maybe I'll make the 10to2 am later, the sexy push up bra. Still looking for a name a few days later, I thought why not call it the 9to5, because that's what it is, its the bra you wear from 9to5, whatever you do from 9to5 the 9to5 Bra has you covered. And so I have a name. Now to go to market and introduce this new concept to the world.
I've had a lot of press since I first launched one year ago. As I write this I double check my emails and guess what HAPPY BIRTHDAY WINK INTIMATES, TODAY IS THE 1 YEAR BIRTHDAY OR DO WE CALL IT ANNIVERSARY OF WINK INTIMATES?
Today is the day that we officially launched Wink Intimates, sent out the Media Release and we were off to the races.
I'm thankful for the media attention and on that note, here I begin another year. With great things on the horizon, Wink Intimates and the 9to5 Bra have begun the 2nd year of business with an official blog.
Thanks for coming by today.